I'm really excited to work with the existing teams.
I'm a big believer in helping people grow--in happiness,
empowerment and skills.

For me that will start by
reaching out and understanding how they work with the DPL.  Some of that
is on the wiki, but I suspect some of that I'd need to learn from the
teams directly.  Examples of that include talking to press/publicity
about how to keep them in the loop, how to give them ideas, how they
want to be involved as I interact with the outside.  For treasury that
will involve understanding procedures, etc.  I'll also want to learn how
a DPL could make their job more effective/help them out.

I'm very interested in supporting the work of the outreach and diversity
teams, but for those two teams I see myself more as a resource and
strong advocate than as someone who has a specific vision.  I want to
remove road blocks and be involved enough that they know that if they
need my help it is available.

More generally, to be effective I'll need to work with the existing
teams and as much as possible find ways to realize my vision in a way
that they are excited about and are eager to support.  When that's not
possible I'll need to consider changing my vision.

As a small business owner, as an employee, and as a area director in the
IETF, I've been good at working with teams and achieving a balance where
I do not burn out quickly and where the teams are happy about our work.

The DPL does have tools to rearrange teams both in terms of membership
and tasks.  Those tools are best used with the eager agreement of all
involved.  Anything else does run the risks you talk about of
frustrating or disappointing people.

I've talked a lot about consensus, empathy, compassion and the like.
And there are probably ways in which I come across as soft.  But
ultimately, the DPL is responsible for the teams and team structure in
the project.  If things are not working, I will make changes to try and
improve the situation.  I'll seek input, approach the situation with
empathy, but if hard decisions need to be made I will make them.

I debated whether I should include the above paragraph.  It's not
directly responsive to your question, but  the delegations really are an
area where the DPL is directly responsible for action as well as


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