Le jeudi 01 avril 2021 à 16:24:10+0300, Sergey B Kirpichev a écrit :
> > You're making a good cause to make the lists read-only for non-members
> I'm trying to argue my position, instead of long reasonings about
> feelings of my opponents and so on.  Is that wrong for the Debian now?

You are systematically telling "i don't care" to what we say and
deciding that this is a blackmail and smearing campaign. You're not
trying to argue anything, you're just emulating a (pretty convincing
fake) kid doing a tantrum.

> > Maybe some wording somewhere is strong
> It doesn't matter.  The message is clear: do what we want or go out.
> > Yet you miss the point that he is shitty towards women
> Not.  It's you, will miss that point next time, if woman
> makes a similar support letter.
> Why?  Because it's how you analyze counter-arguments.
> (https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2021/03/msg00412.html - a good
> example.)

I stand my point, this "letter" is pure complotist BS.

> > I joined Debian because it is inclusive
> The original goal of the Debian was not being inclusive,
> but a free OS.  That's all debian users still expect from the project.

Debian produces the same free OS. Debian as a Community is more than the
OS, and people are coming there for reasons of their own.

Whatever happens to the FSF/RMS GR, we will keep producing the same OS,
and the anti-RMS letter won't be our next wallpaper in it.

Please stop trying to mix topics.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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