Le jeudi 01 avril 2021 à 16:58:25+0300, Sergey B Kirpichev a écrit :
> On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 03:38:03PM +0200, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
> > You are systematically telling "i don't care" to what we say
> That's lie, I've not ignored your arguments so far.

If you say so

> > deciding that this is a blackmail and smearing campaign.
> I'd explained this in details.  In case of doubts: it may be a
> good campaign (e.g. I may be wrong and RMS is horrible) - but it's
> a blackmail (i.e. the first option) as it's now.

The first option is one option, the others are different and less
strong. Having strong options in a GR doesn't turn the whole GR in a
blackmail, and as you pretend to know how Debian works, I can only
assume that you are perfectly aware of it. Which makes me wonder what
goal you pursue trying to predent that this GR is a smearing/blackmail

> > I stand my point, this "letter" is pure complotist BS.
> Sure.  As I quoted before, it's not "yours" trans)
> You even don't care about opinions of people you pretend to defend
> in your crusade...

And it's the flaw in your train of thought : to believe that I'm
defending anyone specific or a crusade.

I actually never say anything about "RMS is transphobic".

I said "RMS behaviour towards women and statements regarding child abuse,
and the Epstein case are bad". You are the one bringing trans people in
the thread we are uselessly having since the beginning.

And, last but not least, I don't know the writer of the letter you
refer to, I don't know if they are or are not trans, and whether they
are or not doesn't mean they can't write any bullshit.

Let's make a clear statement here : there are bullshitters and
douchebags in all group of people. You can be a white cisgender
heterosexual male and be a pure douchebag. You can be transgender person
and be a pure douchebag. You can be a woman and be a pure douchebag. You
can be a person of color and be a pure douchebag. You can be
homosexual/pansexual/bisexual/whateversexual and be a pure douchebag.
You can be any combination of the previously mentioned statuses and be a
pure douchebag.

And even if you are, this doesn't mean that the other people sharing an
attribute or status with you also are douchebags.

The reciprocal statement is also true, you can be whatever and not a

> > Debian produces the same free OS.
> Well, I'm still trying to hear users voice.  For me, it seems they
> may disagree with you.

Your interpretation of [mostly silence] is quite enlightening.

And I still don't see the point with the OS.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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