Le vendredi 02 avril 2021 à 16:57:28-0400, Sam Hartman a écrit :
> >>>>> "Mathias" == Mathias Behrle <mbeh...@debian.org> writes:
>     Mathias> I don't get that. Is this really common sense that FD
>     Mathias> means/meant "preserve status quo"? For me voting this
>     Mathias> option definitely should mean that further discussion on
>     Mathias> the topic is needed.
> So, that is the denotation--that's what it literally means.
> In cases where things are thoroughly discussed to death, especially
> where it appears like all the options are on the table, it may well be
> that there is not momentum for further discussion, and FD acts a lot
> more like "no".
> It's a kind of no that allows someone to try and find a future option.
> It's more like "no not this moment," than "no and it would be rude to
> try and discuss more."
> But for a two option situation, option A do the thing and option B FD,
> FD probably does map to no fairly well.
> In this situation, I think we'd have to look for the spread of votes.
> FD winning would probably either mean  that we actually need to have
> further discussion (if a majority of people seemed to prefer one of the
> options to others, even though they ranked it below FD), or the project
> is too split to decide (if there were major splits below FD).
> In the first situation, I'd interpret it to mean that there was one
> direction that most people tended toward but that the specific option
> presented was not good enough.
> And so if there were energy, it would make sense to refine that option.
> But in the second situation where there were significant splits in
> support below FD, probably we ought conclude we don't have support for a
> common direction.
> So, yeah, FD is complicated:-)

I'd rather have a None of the Above default option all the time along
with FD. It'd probably help.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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