Le lundi 05 avril 2021 à 13:19:49-0700, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> > Even though it's hard and can be tiresome to many of us (and maybe
> > drives some away), as long as possible, I'd like the majority of our
> > lists to stay open to all people willing to express something.
> > Blocking potentially relevant comments from non contributors because
> > some trolls are trying to wreck havoc is giving them too much importance
> > and therefore giving them an easy victory.
> Can you point to an example of a post you consider actually (not "possibly")
> relevant from a non Debian voter to debian-vote in the past 2 years?


> Why should we allow third parties to lobby Debian electors using our mailing
> list infrastructure?

Well, some of us are using GitHub as a way to sign letters to support or
denounce RMS' appointment at the board of the FSF. So I guess it'd be
curious to be shocked that others' emit opinion on what we do or say.

And as why we would let them do it there, I'd say it makes things easier
for us, except if you want them to post on debian.community, github, or
wherever the frack they want?

> > And, despite what I personally think, a non-contributor calling the RMS
> > vote a "witch hunt" is not necessarily a troll.
> I never used the word "troll", which for me has a very specific meaning
> grounded in its historical usage in online communities.

I never said you did use that word.

> I referred to them as "outside agitators", which I believe they are -
> whether or not a particular individual's intention is to derail the
> discussion, it is certainly their intention to influence the outcome
> of Debian's decision process according to their own interests, whether
> or not those align with the interests of the Debian voters as a
> democratic body.

Man, why would be so edgy about others trying to express their opinion
on what we do if we're so keen on having the project express an opinion
about what others do?

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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