On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 08:55:19PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> First,
> > Many thanks to Russ and Wouter for all their work on this.
> +1
> If I understand correctly, most agree that we would like to keep
> the discussion period short in most cases. But at the same time, in
> exceptional circumstances, some would like a way to extend it.
> Instead of the quite complex procedure proposed by Wouter, couldn't we
> patch the DPL's power to increase or decrease the the discussion period
> to allow the DPL to extend it beyond three weeks?

The downside of doing that is that if the DPL does this, then it is a
fairly political action, with all downsides of that method: if there is
a group of developers who would like the time to be extended and a group
who doesn't, then the DPL will be caught between a rock and a hard
place, and will be yelled at by one group or the other, regardless of
which decision they take.

The proposed system makes it less problematic in that respect: the DPL
still has the ability to extend the discussion time by themselves once,
but really the responsibility of extending the discussion time is now in
the hands of the people who are actually discussing things.

> I think that it is reasonable to assume that the DPL will make such
> decisions based on what is best for the project. If the DPL abuses this,
> there's still the possibility to override the decision.

But then you now have two votes, which feels superfluous.


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