Reaffirm public voting

Since we can either have secret and intransparent voting, or we can have
open and transparent voting, the project resolves to leave our voting
system as it is.


The GR proposal for secret voting is silent on implenentation details,
probably because secret and transparent voting is, well, impossible to
achieve fully, so this GR is bound to a similar fate as the 'publish 
debian-private' vote, which was voted for and then was never implemented.

A voting system which is transparent only to some, is undemocratic and
will lead to few people in the know, which is diagonal to Debians goals
of openness and transparency.

And then, early 2022 is not the time for rushed changes like this, which
is also why I explicitly want to see "keep the status quo" on the ballot,
and not only as "NOTA", but as a real option. 

I'm seeking sponsors for this amendment to the current GR.


 ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
 ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀  OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C

The vision of self driving cars is nothing compared to the vision of no cars
at all.

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