* Bill Allombert: " GR Ballot Option: (first draft) No change to voting,
  recommend against GR for non-technical issues" (Thu, 3 Mar 2022 00:10:53

> Dear developers,
> I propose the following ballot option for the current GR:
> Ballot Option
> =============
> 1) The Debian project decide against changing its voting process at this
> time.
> 2) General resolutions that probe developpers opinions about non-technical
> issues outside the social contract are discouraged.
> Rationale
> =========
> So far no voting scheme that preserve both the integrity of the vote and
> the secret of the vote have been proposed. The scheme used for DPL
> election does not provide plausible deniability.
> 2. is not made a hard requirement so that it need not be adjudicated by
> the Debian secretary. However most of the developers that seconded the first
> ballot of GR 2021_002 were experienced developers that would be have been
> able to heed the recommendation given in this GR.
> Respectfully submitted,

FTR I am sponsoring this. Whatever Bill and Holger decide about their similar


    Mathias Behrle
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