On Sun, 2022-03-27 at 18:34 +0200, Jonathan Carter wrote:

> One thing people have been really concerned about when asking for Debian 
> to buy hardware is, is what happens to the hardware after they're done 
> with it? So far I've just told them that they can try to pass it on to 
> another DD who might want/need it (there's some wiki page for this that 
> I think is rarely used)

The wiki page for this is part of Hardware/Wanted and neither the list
of hardware available to be donated nor the list of hardware that
people wish for have ever been used. It seems that people currently get
wanted hardware and donate unwanted hardware in other ways, perhaps via
web services oriented towards that or mailing lists. The wiki page
might need more promotion, integration with the DPL hardware buying
guidelines or possibly just removal from the wiki entirely.




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