Roberto C. Sánchez <> wrote on 15/03/2023 at 20:10:01+0100:

> On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 12:00:55PM -0700, Soren Stoutner wrote:
>> Thomas,
>> Thank you for this post.  I found it an informative read.
>> My personal opinion is that Debian is not the proper venue for discussions 
>> that do not have a strong nexus to development of Debian itself.  As such, I 
>> don’t feel that any of the emails or posts you wrote were appropriate for 
>> sending to Debian’s email lists or posting on Debian websites except for the 
>> email questions about how Debian can best handle the increasing difficulty 
>> caused by laws that prohibit the free-flow of contributions and software 
>> between countries (your email of 3 April 2022).
>> However much I might agree with the factual content of the other emails and 
>> posts, I don’t think it serves Debian well to get involved in controversial 
>> topics unless they directly impact the operation of Debian itself (for 
>> example, laws related to copyright or patents).
> Yet, would someone posting about the earth being flat, the moon landings
> being faked, or aliens being kept in various secret government
> facilities around the world have been so swiftly removed from the
> project?

I sincerely hope so.

We have already a lot of energy invested in our daily lives to not lose
more in Debian about non-scientific garbage.

Debian is not for that, and no place should be used for that anyway.

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