
On Wed 12 Jun 2024 at 11:23pm +02, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

> On 17258 March 1977, Ian Jackson wrote:
>>> > And we also remove the Debian Maintainer role as dak would no  > longer
>>> > know who uploaded the package? Debian is larger than only Debian
>>> > Developers.
>>> This is a policy aspect. When we need to revoke a key used for uploading
>>> this happens via keyring maintainers as far as I understand, but in
>>> urgent cases it is ftp master who can also deny upload rights more
>>> quickly than via a keyring update. In moving to tag2upload as a service
>>> external to ftp, we partially move this capability from ftp master to
>>> the entity running tag2upload (DSA afaiui). Is there a sensible way to
>>> leave this policy aspect with the ftp team when using the tag2upload
>>> service? In effect, I'm asking whether ftp could somehow provide an
>>> authorization oracle to be used by tag2upload.
>> tag2upload leaves this policy with the ftpmaster team.  It uses the
>> archive keyrings and dak's list of Debian Maintainers.
>> So there is no change here.
> Actually, we can set acls on fingerprints and then that key wont be able
> to upload anymore. That is not something recorded in the keyrings or the
> DM list. Obviously that is not something used often (really really
> seldom), it is more for "this key is compromised badly, please turn off
> anything with it *NOW*" situations, which it's what Helmut meant with the
> urgent cases.

Could you say more specifically how seldom, and also how long it usually
takes between you flicking the emergency switch, and the keyring team
pushing an update?

Sean Whitton

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