On 17262 March 1977, Sean Whitton wrote:

Looking into my notmuch, the last time tag2upload came up in my
ftpmaster inbox was in 2019. Between then and now there doesn't appear to be any serious contact with us about it. There had been mentionings on
some mailing list somewhere, but nothing coming to us, that I can
But with respect, you have not otherwise been active in the ftpmaster
team, and you didn't significantly participate in the original
tag2upload discussions.  So I think you may be missing things.

I sure haven't been as active as others, yes. But I still receive all
mails going to ftpmaster and do look at those. I'm also in the relevant
IRC channels and follow them.

I may have missed things, but for sure there hasn't been any in mail
since 2019 going to ftpmaster.

We have been seeking help behind the scenes over the past four years.
No progress was made, so we decided to draft a GR.

Which behind the scenes? To who did you talk? I'm only missing one
answer currently, but (leaving out Ansgar, we know his view) none of the
other FTPMasters had any contact around t2u since 2019. So to who did
you talk, where did you try to get us moving on it, where did things
fail to get through between 2019 and now?

So, 5 years of (hopefully) development, but the major point (this should *not* bypass/circumvent archive upload checks and restrictions) did not
get addressed. More like, entirely ignored.

Like Russ, I'm grateful for how you've set out some things more clearly
in this message.  I'm looking forward to reading your reply to him.

Next up.

I would ask you not to characterise the disagreement we are having as
merely over a technical detail.

You see this as personal? I don't, but if it is not technical, what else?

It's the essence of tag2upload that the tag metadata is minimal, and
easily generated by a short shell script, like git-debpush.

From what I think right now, what we want would fit this.

bye, Joerg

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