On 2024-06-16 2 h 23 p.m., Russ Allbery wrote:

For the existing source package signatures, a simplified sequence looks
like this:

     human --> (1) dpkg-buildpackage --> (2) debsign --> (3) archive

For tag2upload, a simplified sequence looks like:

     human --> (1) Git --> (2) tag2upload --> (3) debsign --> (4) archive

Please excuse my naiveté, but how do you actually know that your package "works" with the tag2upload workflow if you're not building anything locally before pushing?

By "works", I mean, how have you tested it will build and will pass all the proper pre-upload tests?

On my side, I tend to work on a Git tree and when I'm happy with it I use sbuild to:

1. build the source and the binary packages (and thus run build tests)
2. run Lintian
3. run autopkgtests

Only if all of these steps seem OK will I consider signing and uploading the resulting source package (and yes, in reality what I actually intend to sign is the Git tree I worked on).

Implementation notwithstanding, I'd be more than happy to have a "git $something" replace my use of debsign and dput, but I am genuinely curious to know why we would make it easier to upload something that hasn't passed what I believe are important QA steps before uploading?

Andreas Tille already raised that point in another thread, but the answer seems to have been that it's already possible. Incentivising such a behavior doesn't sound positive to me.

  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Louis-Philippe Véronneau
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   po...@debian.org / veronneau.org

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