Hello again!

On Thu 24 Feb 2005 17:14, Eric Gaumer wrote:
> With so many people wanting this package, I can't believe it isn't
> available from Debian yet. I've been a bit reserved about
> maintaining it because I didn't want to step on any toes but here we
> are six months later and still no results. I was forced to make my
> own package because I need binaries for PPC.

Well, I don't have a PPC so I never built tomboy for other arch than
i386, but noone asked me for that ;-)

Anyway, as Ben already stated, the problem is that the TinTin icon is
copyrighted and so until a new icon is chosen, Tomboy cannot enter

> At this point my main concern is that Tomboy make its way into
> Sid. If you are looking for a commitment then here it is... I will
> take responsibility for this package. If this is acceptable then
> please contact me. If it's not, then please someone, step up and
> make this app part of Debian.

As I already posted, I'm giving up!

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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