Thank you for the work so far. Aron had some issues with the short/long
descriptions in gmtk's control file. I had planned to ask Kevin for more
information on what gmtk/gmlib are doing, but hadn't gotten around to it.

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Sebastian Ramacher <>wrote:

> On 01/02/2012 02:43 PM, Aron Xu wrote:
> > I'm afraid you'd import from the PPA.
> Done. Furthermore I've incorporated, amongst others, the following changes
> to gmtk:
>  * Enabled hardened build flags.
>  * Converted the package to Multi-Arch and ship the translation files.
>  * Added a patch from upstream to fix issues with missing symbols.
>  * Added symbols files for both libraries.
>  * Set the Maintainer to Debian Multimedia Team and added Brandon and
> myself to
> Uploaders.
>  * Fixed all the issues reported by lintian (except for
> unversioned-copyright-format-uri).
> I didn't have a look at debian/copyright so far. I plan to do that
> tomorrow.
> I've also started to work on gecko-mediaplayer 1.0.5:
>  * Imported Brandon's work.
>  * Enabled hardened build flags.
>  * Dropped the dependencies on specific browsers.
> I'd appreciate comments on the state of gmtk so that we can get it uploaded
> soon. And there is one issue that is bugging me: libgmlib and libgmtk both
> export symbols that should be private [1]. Any thoughts on that?
> Kind regards,
> [1]
> --
> Sebastian Ramacher

 -- Brandon J. Snider

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