On 22:00 Mon 14 Jan     , Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 14 Jan 2013, Vasudev Kamath wrote:
> > I did some more investigation and I don't see any file name clash
> > betweek zim from zim-wiki and zimlib. Even though both packages have zim
> > in the package name there is  description field which clarifies any
> > confusion between both packages for end user.
> > 
> > So I guess renaming from upstream is not required. Please share your
> > thoughts.
> My thoughts are "I have been confused and thus I believe that other users
> will be confused in the future". This is why I believe it's best to
> rename. Furthermore, there are no file clashes yet, but the day
> where someone will write a python wrapper for "zimlib" (and this is
> on the roadmap apparently), it might become a real issue.

OK thanks for sharing your views on this, apparently I didn't think of
python wrapper for zimlib.

@Kelson can you share your views on this.

> That said, I'm not here to impose anything to anyone. I just wanted
> to inform you so that both upstream are aware of the potential conflict
> and so that they can handle it properly.

Yes I understood that and thanks for bringing it up :-).

Warm Regards
Vasudev Kamath
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