W liƛcie z wto, 13-08-2002, godz. 20:40, Tom Tromey pisze: 
> >> I've seen some of the follow up comments to your post.  Regarding
> >> 'gij': by looking very quickly at its interpreter.cc source file, I
> >> detected important race conditions (for multithreaded apps).
> Grzegorz, perhaps you could get Etienne to file a bug report for us.
[ I explained that part in private mail ]

> I considered discussing Etienne's other points in detail, but I doubt
> this is the appropriate forum.  My only concern is that people not
> spread misinformation about gcj and gij: gcj is not only about native
I think you'll be able to ask him directly about where the problems
exactly are. However i don't think he ever thought about spreading
misinformation - he surely has proves behind his words.

But remember, that in original it was _private_ mail, not intended to be
reason for further, detailed discussion (at lest not atm, as he's

The point here was to more-less explain why I will give a chance to
another free tools, not kaffe, not gij (with gcj) - but SableVM.
It appears (if you belive in what he said) - that there _are_ reasons
to make such choice.

> code, it intends to be a complete java environment.  It already
Yes, we're aiming at the same goal apparently.

> provides quite a bit toward that goal.  Lack of a bytecode interpreter
> can't be considered as a reason to avoid gcj.  (Quality of the
> interpreter may be, but that is a different sort of discussion.)
I only hope you're not trying to blame me for not choosing "your"
solution? ;-))

Don't forget to contact Etienne directly (later).

Best regards

                                        Grzegorz B. Prokopski

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