> > - it's upstream is really interested in having robust and widely
> >   JVM [2], not only another research tool for students
> > - it is written in pure C, should be very easily portable to other
> >   architectures (currently it supports x86, not sure about alpha,
but in
> >   few months sparc support should be added)
> kaffe and gcj are already heavily ported.  kaffe has been ported to
> cell phones, and other embeddable devices.

So I took some time to check what that "easily portable" means in
practise - and started porting this JVM to alpha.

It was my first time I was doing a port and I never wrote in alpha's
assembler, so it took very long - about 24 hours and resulted (of
mostly learning) in small diff (around 100 lines, but there was some
code reorganizing in it too, so real diff was around 25 lines!)

<blink><B>25 lines to port JVM to new architecture</B></blink>

Anyway - now SableVM JVM supports ia32 and alpha.
Official 1.0.2 release will be made soon.

More arches will come.


                                Grzegorz B. Prokopski

PS: If you wanna help - drop a mail to
or even to me (but I am offline till monday)

PSS: The port wouldn't be possible w/o help of upstream author,
Etienne M. Gagnon and people from debian-alpha ml. Thanks!

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