Hello, Go team. I prepared packaging for https://github.com/tcnksm/go-gitconfig . It is present at: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig .
This package is a dependency of 'git-lab' (which has RFP). Would you please review this and upload? Any kinds of feedback are welcome! Thanks a lot! -- Jongmin Kim OpenPGP key located at https://jmkim-pgp.github.io/keys/pubkey.D39D8D29BAF36DF8.Jongmin_Kim.asc OpenPGP fingerprint: 012E 4A06 79E1 4EFC DAAE 9472 D39D 8D29 BAF3 6DF8
Description: PGP signature