On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:34:33AM -0500, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> On Jun 24, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> > Not sure I follow. I did the following:
> > [snipped because post-mode decided to kill your entire train of
> > thought here... grr]
> I think there's a nasty issue that will crop up if you try to work
> from the files in the Debian archive.  debuild -us -uc, then wipe your
> build directories so all you have left are design_1.3.1.orig.tar.gz,
> design_1.3.1-1.dsc and design_1.3.1-1.diff.gz
> Now try dpkg-source -x design_1.3.1-1.dsc.  This will untar everything
> into a directory "design-1.3.1-1," not "Design".  cd in there and
> debuild -us -uc again.
> If that build process produces /usr/lib/R/site-library/Design rather
> than /usr/lib/R/site-library/design-1.3.1-1, I'll be very surprised.
> What this will produce is packages that will build OK on your box, but
> the buildds will do exactly what I outlined and produce ports with
> broken .debs.  It won't fail to build from source, but if you check
> the buildd log, it will be wrong and will produce exactly the problems
> Doug describes.  You just won't see them since i386 will be fine,
> since you built it yourself and knew that the directory wasn't
> supposed to be called design-1.3.1-1; the buildd doesn't know any
> better, malheureusement :-/
> For example, see (sorry for linewrap):
> http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?&pkg=tseries&ver=0.9.12-2&arch=m68k&stamp=1056336148&file=log&as=raw
> Skip to the end and scroll up to where it runs dpkg -c on the built
> deb.  (Or you can just wget the file from the pool and dpkg -c it.)

Oh crap. That's ugly.

Thanks for alerting me on that issue. Illuminating that this never triggered
a bug report. Still an i386 world...

> Hence the ad-hackery that I did in mcmcpack and coda (though, since
> coda is an arch: all package, it doesn't go to the buildds normally).

I may have to follow that in the short term.  Thanks for the cluebat!


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