Lem Severein <h...@boltgolt.nl> writes:

> Unfortunately the dlib compilation step is necessary to be executed on the
> machine itself. The build automatically enables certain hardware
> accelerations, depending on system components.

I think people would be quite upset with a d/postinst script that not
only builds third-party software (already a problem), but also reaches
out to the internet to fetch said software (without even getting into
the fact that the authenticity of the downloaded software is not
verified, which is a separate problem independent of Debian).

Additionally, the current maintainer scripts don't look very idempotent
(Policy § 6.2 [1]).

> If complete offline installation is a must I could move the dlib into the
> Howdy deb file. Not sure how that would work license wise.

This sounds like a violation of Policy § 4.13 [2].

If the local dlib compilation is indeed a requirement for this package,
I would hazard a guess that it is not distributable in Debian.


[2] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#embedded-code-copies


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