Hey Gard,

Thanks for the helpful links, I fully understand your concern.

I can do away with the numpy and opencv installs through the (much more
outdated) python-numpy and python-opencv debian packages respectively.
However, dlib does not seem to have such a package yet and having to
maintain that would be out of scope for me. I'm only a dlib user, not a
contributor, and i don't think it would be my place to package it.

The absolute minimum install would only install pre-packaged dlib through
pip or compile it from source.

However, dlib is available through pip and running that command would be
idempotent. If apt install is aborted then pip will simply retry installing
dlib the next time apt installation is attempted. If the pip dlib install
goes through and postinst is called again pip will simply state that dlib
is already installed.

(I wrongly hit "Reply" instead of "Reply All" in my last email, thanks for
letting me know)

With kind regards,
Lem Severein

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 12:51 PM Gard Spreemann <g...@nonempty.org> wrote:

> Lem Severein <h...@boltgolt.nl> writes:
> > Unfortunately the dlib compilation step is necessary to be executed on
> the
> > machine itself. The build automatically enables certain hardware
> > accelerations, depending on system components.
> I think people would be quite upset with a d/postinst script that not
> only builds third-party software (already a problem), but also reaches
> out to the internet to fetch said software (without even getting into
> the fact that the authenticity of the downloaded software is not
> verified, which is a separate problem independent of Debian).
> Additionally, the current maintainer scripts don't look very idempotent
> (Policy § 6.2 [1]).
> > If complete offline installation is a must I could move the dlib into the
> > Howdy deb file. Not sure how that would work license wise.
> This sounds like a violation of Policy § 4.13 [2].
> If the local dlib compilation is indeed a requirement for this package,
> I would hazard a guess that it is not distributable in Debian.
> [1]
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html#maintainer-scripts-idempotency
> [2]
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#embedded-code-copies
>   Best,
>   Gard

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