Hi Evgeny,

On 2022-09-29 13:35, Evgeny Posenitskiy wrote:
> I have requested access to the Debichem on GitLab (pending) and pushed
> the libtrexio package here: https://salsa.debian.org/q-posev/libtrexio .
> The contents of the debian/ folder were produced by following your guide
> and fixing some build issues along the way.

Great, thanks! I gave your package a look, a few comments:

1. You seem to have pushed just the 'master' branch of the packaging
repository. There should be at least two more, 'upstream' and
'pristine-tar'. Please push them too as I cannot build the package with
gbp without these branches. I personally use 'salsa push' command
('salsa' is in 'devscripts' package) which always pushes all branches
and tags.

2. Why do you need to patch files under helpers-debian/? I do not think
they are used in build or installed anywhere. If so, there is no need to
patch them.

3. I see your debian/copyright is very detailed. This is not a
disadvantage, but maintaining such level of details takes much time. For
your package it might be enough to just have the following:

Files: *
Copyright: 2021, TREX Center of Excellence
License: BSD-3-Clause

All autoconf-generated files are rarely mentioned in debian/copyright.
In fact, it might be good to exclude them from the distribution tarball
altogether as they are regenerated from source anyway.

> What would be the best way to open the RFS bug report now? I mean,
> should I mention your name there or you prefer someone else to have a
> look at it?

I will sponsor trexio, so there is no need for RFS. Usually they are
submitted when looking for a sponsor.


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