Hi Andrius,

Thank you for the prompt and detailed reply!

1. You seem to have pushed just the 'master' branch of the packaging
repository. There should be at least two more, 'upstream' and
'pristine-tar'. Please push them too as I cannot build the package with
gbp without these branches. I personally use 'salsa push' command
('salsa' is in 'devscripts' package) which always pushes all branches
and tags.


2. Why do you need to patch files under helpers-debian/? I do not think
they are used in build or installed anywhere. If so, there is no need to
patch them.

Done, patch removed.

3. I see your debian/copyright is very detailed. This is not a
disadvantage, but maintaining such level of details takes much time. For
your package it might be enough to just have the following:

In the past, I followed the debmake manual from the Debian website (https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debmake-doc/ch08.en.html#autotools-single) and the detailed copyright file was produced somewhere along the way.

I applied your changes, so now there is the BSD-3 license on all files except the ax_lib_hdf5.m4 and ax_pkg_swig.n4 macros which I copied from the Autoconf archive. If you think that these licences can be removed too - please let me know and I will do it.

In fact, it might be good to exclude them from the distribution tarball
altogether as they are regenerated from source anyway.

The Autoconf files were placed in the tarball automatically, I have not written any additional macros for that. In general, I trust Autotools when it comes to the distribution tarballs. However, if you think that Autoconf-generated files should be removed - please let me know.

I will sponsor trexio, so there is no need for RFS. Usually they are
submitted when looking for a sponsor.



On 29/09/2022 4:19 pm, Andrius Merkys wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

On 2022-09-29 13:35, Evgeny Posenitskiy wrote:
I have requested access to the Debichem on GitLab (pending) and pushed
the libtrexio package here: https://salsa.debian.org/q-posev/libtrexio . The contents of the debian/ folder were produced by following your guide
and fixing some build issues along the way.

Great, thanks! I gave your package a look, a few comments:

1. You seem to have pushed just the 'master' branch of the packaging
repository. There should be at least two more, 'upstream' and
'pristine-tar'. Please push them too as I cannot build the package with
gbp without these branches. I personally use 'salsa push' command
('salsa' is in 'devscripts' package) which always pushes all branches
and tags.

2. Why do you need to patch files under helpers-debian/? I do not think
they are used in build or installed anywhere. If so, there is no need to
patch them.

3. I see your debian/copyright is very detailed. This is not a
disadvantage, but maintaining such level of details takes much time. For
your package it might be enough to just have the following:

Files: *
Copyright: 2021, TREX Center of Excellence
License: BSD-3-Clause

All autoconf-generated files are rarely mentioned in debian/copyright.
In fact, it might be good to exclude them from the distribution tarball
altogether as they are regenerated from source anyway.

What would be the best way to open the RFS bug report now? I mean,
should I mention your name there or you prefer someone else to have a
look at it?

I will sponsor trexio, so there is no need for RFS. Usually they are
submitted when looking for a sponsor.


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