On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Steve Halasz wrote:

> ...
> > > * Package name    : grass5.7
> > >   Version         : 5.7.0
> > Do you think that we need two different versions of
> > GRASS in Debian?
> The motivation for this is bug #248649 [1]. I package
> qgis which has a plugin for reading and editing grass
> layers. This plugin depends on gdal support for grass
> written by Radim Blazek. I have verified with Radim
> that his patches will only work with grass 5.7's newly
> provided libraries.
> Also, I believe 5.7 fixes bug #234275 [2]. I am not a
> heavy grass user, but it is my impression that 5.0 is
> getting old and that 5.7 is greatly improved. The
> roadmap [3] for grass is kind of confusing, but it
> seems reasonable to package 5.0.x, 5.3, and 5.7 to
> provide various levels of stability vs. currentness.
So far we have at least two reasons to package GRASS 5.7.  My
question was not against your plan to package 5.7 but instead just
to upgrade the existing GRASS.  I'm not a GRASS user nor a GIS
expert (that's why I CCed Silke) but IMHO a packaging team which
would target to a recent GRASS version would be the best solution

> I sent a message to the grass packager (Federico Di
> Gregorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) about a week ago asking
> about all this and have received no response. There is
> also a wishlist bug for grass 5.3 (261483 [4]) that
> has received no response. I hope that he will have had
> sufficient time to raise objections before I get the
> package squared away.
Once I had some conversation with Federico about GRASS and if
I remember right he would not have a problem with comaintenance
because of time constraints - but I might remember this false
or the situation might have changed.

So if I would be you I would proceed as follows:

  - Change the ITP bug into a "new version available" bug against GRASS.
  - Provide a patch which build a working GRASS package of version 5.7.

Kind regards


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