On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, Silke Reimer wrote:

> This is the reason why Radim wrote a new vector model which is now
> in a rather stable state. grass 5.7 is the version which contains
> this vector model. As far as I understood this will be version 6.0
> as soon as the grass developers decided that this is really stable
> (they have also a very strong definition of 'stable' similar as the
> debian folks). The raster model is almost the same as in grass 5.0
> but has been revised a lot so that duplicated code has been removed.
> grass 5.3 is nearly the same as grass 5.0 (i.e. without the new
> vector modell) but contains some more features for datum
> transformation and a lot of bug fixes that have not been backported
> to grass 5.0 and will not be backported.
Thanks for the clarification.

> > So if I would be you I would proceed as follows:
> >
> >   - Change the ITP bug into a "new version available" bug against GRASS.
> >   - Provide a patch which build a working GRASS package of version 5.7.
> Regarding the information that I gave about the different version I
> would second this proposition. Another possibilty could be to update
> grass 5.0 to grass 5.3 and to add a new package grass 5.7 but since
> the raster stuff of grass 5.[0|3] is nearly the same as for grass
> 5.7 this is not really necessary.
The problem is that we IMHO do not have enough developers to maintain
even one version of GRASS in the amount it would deserve.  So splitting
forces into two versions would be a bad idea.  The information above
IMHO supports my idea of updating the existin GRASS package and I would
go the way I mentioned above.

Kind regards


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