On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 10:30:05PM -0500, Charles Fry wrote:
> > > > Is there any benefit to using glastree over dirvish or pdumpfs?  
> > > 
> > > The advantage of using glastree over pdumpfs is that it is implemented
> > > in Perl rather than Ruby (this is in fact the reason that I encountered
> > > it in the first place).
> > 
> > How is that an advantage of use?
> Well, if one had a small system and desired not to install ruby, it
> would still be possible to obtain pdumpfs' functionality. Of course that
> could be called an installation issue rather than a usability issue.

3314kB, including pdumpfs itself.  I'll donate a 32MB USB key to store it
all on for anyone that is *truly* that starved of space.  Meanwhile, what's
the total installed space for glastree if you're not a Perl lover?

- Matt

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