On Thu, 02 Dec 2004, Charles Fry wrote:

> > On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 05:59:09PM -0500, Charles Fry wrote:
> > > > In what ways is this package different to, say, dirvish, which I use
> > > > in a manner which is, AFAICS, identical to the way this package
> > > > operates?
> > > 
> > > glastree provides a subset of the functionality of dirvish. It is
> > > actually most closely related pdumpfs. Like pdumpfs, glastree works
> > > locally and not (explicitely) remotely.
> > 
> > Is there any benefit to using glastree over dirvish or pdumpfs?  
> The advantage of using glastree over pdumpfs is that it is implemented
> in Perl rather than Ruby (this is in fact the reason that I encountered
> it in the first place).

How is it different from rsnapshot then?

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