On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 09:31:32AM +1100, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 03:04:15PM -0500, Charles Fry wrote:
> > The poor man's daily snapshot, glastree builds live backup trees, with
> > branches for each day. Users directly browse the past to recover older
> > documents or retrieve lost files. Hard links serve to compress out
> > unchanged files, while modified ones are copied verbatim. A prune
> > utility effects a constant, sliding window. Similar to pdumpfs; inspired
> > by Plan9.
> In what ways is this package different to, say, dirvish, which I use in a
> manner which is, AFAICS, identical to the way this package operates?

Or storebackup?

(Actually, storebackup's one-line description doesn't really hint at
this functionality. But I'm using it to create daily snapshots of remote
servers over smbfs and nfs, using hard links to conserve space. It
offers sliding window; you can tell it to keep a month of backups, and
then weekly after that for 6 months, then monthly etc.)

Written in Perl, fwiw (not much I hope).


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