On Sat, 2008-09-20 at 07:03 +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:

> Yep. I think either /usr/bin or /bin is most appropriate, but I just have this
> feeling that someone will want their wifi to get /usr/ mounted sometime (this
> is Debian, they want to do this crazy stuff all the time), which means that
> using /bin now would cause less headaches in the future (when everyones 
> scripts
> are using absolute paths to /usr/bin/iw already...).

It's pathogenic, and I'd suggest to put iw into the initramfs ;)

> If that is a realistic scenario, it would leave the choice of the Debian iw
> maintainer to a) say that use case is not possible, and stick to his guns, or
> b) move iw to /bin and thus possibly diverge from what the rest of the
> distro's, and you as upstream, are doing.

Doesn't that depend on libnl upstream again? That installs to /usr/lib
by default, so I don't think I should install to /bin as iw upstream.
I'd be willing to change but it seems that it depends on libnl upstream
changing too?


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