On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 08:00:40PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:37:52PM +0100, Sergio Brandano wrote:
> Personally, I don't see a problem. I believe that by posting a message to a
> mailing list that is publically archived you implicitely indicated your
> consent with also publically archiving the message you posted, because we
> have been archiving messages since the very beginning of the lists (not all
> of those archives have survived till today, unfortunately).

We might want to put a note on lists.debian.org, pointing out that 
Debian reserves the right to archive any mail that comes into Debian.

Frankly, copyright-wise, we may be forced to remove something from
the archives if someone mailed something to list without permission
of the copyright owner.  By the transient nature of email, the way
the material of other's email gets used in it, and the fact there's
no commerical value in it, most email messages has very limited
copyright protection.  I think we may legally have the right to post
non-commerical archives of a publicly available list hosted on our
servers, with or without the above note (as always, IANAL).  While
the rights to post archives of the same list on an unreleated site
with banner ads is a _little_ more hazy, it's not our problem.

Should we honor X-No-Archive? That's a fairly standard header with
this intent.

> > PS.
> >   Please note also that the technical content of these emails is
> >   summarised in updated FAQ documents, so that these months/years
> >   old emails are of no use, and there is no purpose in allowing sites
> >   like AltaVista to index them all!!!
> I disagree -- there is significant value in list archives as a historical
> reference of the development of the Debian Project and community around it.

Why shouldn't we let AltaVista archive them? I can't see any legal
onus on us either way, and it's sometimes useful to find mail
archives on the problem you're having. Also, I've looked up the
history of the purity data in Debian before, in archives that were
maybe two years old at the time. That was in no FAQ. There's a lot
more than just technical content in the email.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org
"I don't care if Bill personally has my name and reads my email and 
laughs at me. In fact, I'd be rather honored." - Joseph_Greg

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