Then you shouldn't have posted to Debian mailing lists. Its like posting on
slashdot and asking them to manually remove posts. Or, in a real life
situation, like writing a letter to a magazine and then ask them to take it out
of circulation because you don't want the stuff you wrote available anymore.
I'm sorry if you didn't know the lists are archived, but that is pretty
obvious; I recommend you to just ignore the people who are upsetting you
because of Debian-related posts, or complain with their ISPs, or whatever, but
you can't really blame Debian for that.

On 04-May-2001 Sergio Brandano wrote:
>   ( I hope "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is not a mailing list
>   itself; I believe I posted my message to the main listmaintainer. )
>   I wish to explain my request in detail.
>   I am not happy about the way these (my) emails are used, as Debian
>   is acting as a publishing company. In fact, Debian is archiving,
>   indexing and allowing re-publication of these emails by third party
>   sites, and this goes *well beyond* the mere posting of an email to
>   a list of friends. As I own the copyrights of my emails,
>   I do not want Debian to copy and allow others to copy my emails.
>   This is a mere copyright issue, and Debian has been infringing my
>   copyrights.
>   Please, either erase my messages from your archives or implement
>   some other solution to the problem I am rising.
>   Best regards,
>   SB
> PS.
>   Please note also that the technical content of these emails is
>   summarised in updated FAQ documents, so that these months/years
>   old emails are of no use, and there is no purpose in allowing sites
>   like AltaVista to index them all!!!
> Reply From: Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > I don't believe we've ever removed emails from the list archives,
>  > and I don't think we're going to start.
> From: Sergio Brandano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > Dear Maintainer,
>  >
>  > Please erase any mail that I have posted to your lists,
>  > searching by name ("Sergio Brandano") and by address.
>  >
>  > This request is urgent, and triggered by the fact that
>  > this material does not rest within the Debian premises.
>  >
>  > The content of my messages was spread on the net,
>  > *including* republishing by commercial archival and
>  > indexing sites, and I do not want this to happen.
>  >
>  > So, please, erase any messages of my authorship that
>  > you happen to have in your archives.
>  >
>  > Please get back to me with an e-mail, confirming that
>  > the requested operation has been successful.
>  >
>  >
>  > Thank you.

carlos laviola - icq #981913
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

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