I am tired of all these messages!
Stop posting!

> Huh?  You retain copyright to your postings that you
> contribute, just as with any code you contribute.
> It's NOT "(c) Debian".  Nobody is claiming that you
> have lost any rights to republish as you like.
> It's your work.

I see that there are still some people who keep missing
the point here.

You have to understand that no person or institute
owns your copyright if you do not transfer the
ownership in writing via a legal document!
By posting these recent messages, for example, I have
just exerted my right to express my opinion, by posting
to a restricted number of people, on channels that
are not under the copyright of Debian. As such,
this very mail, for example is still my mail, and
Debian *can not* and *must not* archive it!
Are we speaking the same language? It is like
talking to friends for years, and suddenly discover
that they have been recording you! Not only this,
but they have been also duplicating and indexing
via commercial institutes! Where is the privacy?
What sort of community is this one?

The reason why I am doing it also another one.
I am tired of seeing pages of links to my past
emails, every time I type my name on a main
search site! The copyright issue is the only
instrument I have to cut them out for good.
I did not transfer to Debian the right to
archive my mail, and I want this mail to be
deleted for good. It is my right!

There is of course a more general problem too.
By letting the main search sites to link all
the emails of these lists, we are overloading
the net! I understand that those mail may be
important for some people in Debian, but it is
not reasonable to make world class lists of them,
just because of these few people! Incidentally,
these few people do not even use the main search
sites, as they use the local (Debian or otherwise)
search site! So, and I am repeating myself once
more, we have to forbid the web engines like
Lycos and Excite etc to go through all those mail.
Let keep the old mail if we really care, and
let post freely, but let the world not be
polluted by them!!! Are we speaking the same
language? There are more important things out
there than Gigabytes of old Debian chats!

Regardless of whether you agree with me or not,
I do not want Debian to archive my mail,
whether it is past, present of future.
If I wanted a permanent post, I would have
written a book of memories.


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