On Sat, May 05, 2001, Sergio Brandano wrote:
>   By law, there must be a legal agreement between the author and the
>   publisher. If no such explicit agreement exists, then the author is
>   still the owner of the copy-rights, and can decide what to do with
>   that material, at any time.

 You still have the right to descide to what you do with your material.
But when you send to a mailinglist you usually (as in usual practice)
you also give the listadmin the permission to distribute it - otherwise
a mailinglist wouldn't work.  You were able to see _before_ you
subscribed that there are public archives of the list, that has never
been a secret.  It is not Debians fault that you didn't realise that.
Nevertheless you have given by sending your message the implicite
permission that it will be added to the lists-archive.  Period, EOD.

>   By posting to a mailing list, the author is exerting his right to
>   publish, and he/she is the publisher in that very moment. The post is

 No - the listadmin is the publisher, if you try to imagine.  If you
send a feedback to a magazine and it is printed the magazine is the
publisher, not you.

>   addressed to those people in the list *only*, and re-posting is, in
>   principle, not legal.

 As said already often enough, it was never a secret that there are
list-archives, they are also mentioned on the page where you subscribe.
If you haven't read the pages it is your fault, not debians.

>   By implementing an archiving policy, Debian is a publisher.

 By implementing a mailinglist the listadmin is a publisher.  Think
about it.

>   Please also make explicit the policy with Debian mailing lists, and
>   ensure that its subscribers are notified and agree with it.

 You can't make people read what they don't want to.  Do you read all
the agreements you sign?  I doubt so - but you should.  So start by
_reading_ the pages with the subscription-informations:
<http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/index.en.html> - it is written
explizitly down that there _are_ archives of the list.  If you haven't
seen that it's your fault, don't blame Debian for that.

To err is human,
To purr feline.
                -- Robert Byrne

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