I may be the one to be blamed to cause this.

When I saw my name in document maintainer section in English with first
and my last name in one piece, I felt strange.  I posted here and since
no one replied, I fixed that page.

I think someone read that and updated those pages in "News" you mentioned.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 07:49:35AM +0900, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> Hi,
> I found the following updates:
> > NeedToUpdate        News/weekly/2002/19/index       1.8     1.9
> > NeedToUpdate        News/weekly/2002/24/index       1.7     1.8
> > NeedToUpdate        News/weekly/2002/26/index       1.10    1.11
> > NeedToUpdate        News/weekly/2002/40/index       1.8     1.9
> > NeedToUpdate        News/weekly/2002/44/index       1.9     1.10

(It's not me)

> which is commented:
> "Japanese name use single space between The last name and the first
> name".
> Either (single space or no space) will be OK in Japanese, though I
> don't know typesetting rule when Japanese names in Kanji appear in
> *English* sentences.

Very valid question.  Most name references in the modern newspapers are
spaceless and all in Japanese characters (I just checked.)  I have been
spelling my names with separated format since most of the document I sign
are government/bank document where they have box for each section. Also
my name tag in my elementary school days tends to separate them. 

Many names in the authour section of books tends to have a space.

At any rate, mixed character group document is unconventional and I do
not know what is right.  My intent of adding space in the English was to
clarify splits between first and last name.

> IMO, I feel single space can be used when I write my name independently
> to fill out some forms.  However, I feel single space is funny when I
> write my name in Japanese sentence, because Japanese sentence uses
> few (or no) white spaces.  (Look the Japanese translations of DWN,
> they don't use white spaces.)
> Thus, though there are more Japanese names in DWN which don't use
> white space between family name and individual name, I thing they
> can be left as such.

I do not care which way to write, IMHO.  But it has to be consistent.

Also, getting opinion of Chinese person's preference in English context
may be interesting.  I see most chinese names in Japanese web pages do
not use a space between last and first name in Japanese.

After these research, I say

 English:  single space 
 Japanese: no space in news article, 
           space ued for tabulated author name for books and articles.

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, at the gateway server      +

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