
From: Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Japanese name use single space between the last name and the first 
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 16:15:01 -0800

> I may be the one to be blamed to cause this.
> When I saw my name in document maintainer section in English with first
> and my last name in one piece, I felt strange.  I posted here and since
> no one replied, I fixed that page.

Ok.  I posted the mail because the comment with cvs commit may
mislead non-Japanese people who don't know Japanese custom.
(The comment can read that Japanese name uses spaces everywhere
in every contexts; which is not true.  I'd like Chinese translation
of DWN not to use spaces.)

I think a space may be used for Japanese name in English sentences.
Also, I added spaces even for Japanese translations if the name
is written independently in "()".  However, I didn't add spaces
when the names appear in ordinary sentences because such a expression
is apparently strange.

> Very valid question.  Most name references in the modern newspapers are
> spaceless and all in Japanese characters (I just checked.)  I have been
> spelling my names with separated format since most of the document I sign
> are government/bank document where they have box for each section. Also
> my name tag in my elementary school days tends to separate them. 

Right.  Your explanation is consistent with mine, and I expect
non-Japanese members of this list will trust us.  The keypoint
seems whether the name appears independently (i.e., book author,
sign on government/bank documents, name tags, and so on) or in
ordinary sentences.

> At any rate, mixed character group document is unconventional and I do
> not know what is right.  My intent of adding space in the English was to
> clarify splits between first and last name.

I understand your intent.  However, I am afraid that many people
will misunderstand that "Osamu" is "青木" and "Aoki" is "修",
while the truth is opposite.

> I do not care which way to write, IMHO.  But it has to be consistent.

Ok.  Since it is I who modify English version of DWN for Japanese
names (by a semi-automatic small Perl script), I can change the
policy and the script hereafter.

> Also, getting opinion of Chinese person's preference in English context
> may be interesting.  I see most chinese names in Japanese web pages do
> not use a space between last and first name in Japanese.

I am also interested.  Also, I can add items for my script for
Chinese, Korean, Russian, Greek, Thai, and any other
non-Latin-alphabet people.  Suggestions are welcome.


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