
* Davide Puricelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-18 22:33]:
> Hi, first of all an apology: I'm writing this email to all the
> translation coordinators, doing a Cc to debian-www mailing list, so,
> probably, some of you will receive two copies .. sorry for this
> inconvenience.

 Translation coordinators must subscribe to debian-www anyway, so there
is no real need to double that, thanks.

> Now, the facts: today, as probably you noted because of my huge number
> of commits, I changed all the references of ftp://ftp.debian.org to
> http://ftp.debian.org in the English repository, but committing all the
> other translations, if present.

 Could you KINDLY think of bumping the translation-check headers of the
translations that are uptodate too?  Sorry, if you like to do mass
changes go ahead, I've done them myself, too.  But _pretty please_ BUMP
THAT FSCKING translation-check HEADER  *grumbles*

 If you just change an URL there is no need to let the translators check
your changes just to see that they have been incorporated already :-/

> Now, I'm asking you to do this little work and we will finally able to
> sing our Victory song :)

 You are asking us to do not just this little work but go through all
your changes and check if it was really only you and bump the headers
ourself....   Thanks for the inconvenience  :-/

 Sleep well, I couldn't after kicking that many people in their but.
<Angel`Eye> installations anleitung für intelx86 richtig ?
<Salz> Angel`Eye: Kommt auf deinen Rechner an. Wenn du die Antwort nicht weiß,
       ist sie ja.
                                        -- #debian.de

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