* Davide Puricelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-20 21:00]:
> Uh? Of course I did it, as you have could easily noted with a more deep
> investigation, instead of this useless ranting ..

 Well, partly useless, I improved my ranting skill :)

> I'm not infallible,

 Me neither.  Sorry.  I just saw that 21 pages were outdated and found
your mail after that.  I joined that in a wrong way.

> so I could have done a couple of wrong commits, but this is very far
> from what you said ..

 Yes.  On the other hand doing a commit on all the files in one than
doing it for each file (and it's translations) itself could have been an
improvement, too  :)

> so please stop your Branden's emulation,

 heh, first time I was compared to Branden.  Don't know if I should feel
proud or ashamed.  At least it wasn't what I was up to.

> you're not amusing, but just rude.

 Accept my appology, I just counted 1 to 1 and came up with -2.

 So long,
P.S.: I for my part do read that list, so no need to Cc: me.  Your mutt
      should be able to tell you that.
> Nachts bei 160 auf der leeren Autobahn mögest Du mir ebenfalls den
> Autofahrer zeigen, der da noch auf Sicht unterwegs ist.
auf einer leeren autobahn befingen sich keine autofahrer *g*
         -- Richard Hanisch in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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