On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 10:51:33PM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 08:31:54PM +0200, Bartosz Fe?ski aka fEnIo wrote:
> >> I think that under english/ directory all of the files should be in
> >> English only. I can't translate Spanish or German to Polish ;)
> > 
> > Considering the contents, do we need to translate these pages?
>  No, but Bartosz has a point here: spanish or german pages in the
> english directory would get .en.html as extension which is wrong. I
> guess they should be moved to the appropriate language directories and
> where appropriate translated to english so others can translate it to
> their languages.
Should I submit a bugreports for them?
There is no problem with partially non-English files because I can
simply remove these non-English parts but what about files that are
whole in non-English language?

      _     Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
    _|_|_    32-050 Skawina - Głowackiego 3/15 - w. małopolskie - Polska
    (0 0)     phone:+48501608340 | ICQ:46704720 | GG:726362 | IRC:fEnIo
ooO--(_)--Ooo http://skawina.eu.org | JID:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | RLU:172001

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