* Bartosz Fe?ski aka fEnIo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-03 16:44]:
>On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 09:18:52PM +0200, Osamu Aoki wrote:
>> Considering the contents, do we need to translate these pages?
> I don't know... these pages are included in translation statistics.

 That shouldn't be your only reasoning for translating the pages. Please
read up <http://www.debian.org/devel/website/translation_hints> about
what you should put more efforts into to translate.  The individual
consultants pages are the last thing you should consider, IMHO (of
course not those for your country :)

 Don't care too much about the statistics, they are no measure for the
translation at all -- especially not for the quality. Rather think about
which pages do make sense to translate. As long as there are pages you
can think of that they might be valueable (like e.g. the /ports/ pages
or the /devel/debian-*/ subproject pages) you shouldn't care at all
about the consultants pages.

"Kaum wird das Wetter schlechter und die Tage kürzer, fallen die
Newbies über das Netz her wie die Blätter von den Bäumen."
             (Ulf Schaefer in de.talk.jokes)

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