On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> * Debian WWW CVS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-11 02:37]:
>> Changes by:  tvainika        03/11/11 02:37:09
>> Log message:
>>      version bump for quote change
>  Thanks, but NO!!!  This is a change that should be incorporated
> translations and not only bumped away.  Who is tvainika, I hope s/he
> is subscribed to d-www, otherwise the translation-coordinator for
> the corresponding language team should forward this message.

I did that commit.  It tried to check those translations and these
were already using quotes different from those accent characters.  I
didn't bump portuguese which was using that wrong (accent chars) quote

>  This is no change that affects only the english version at all.

IMHO I did count original change as english dependant style fix that
should not impact translations, because it is language dependant what
quote characters are used.  Of course because of some restrictions in
charsets, it is not always possible to use correct quote characters...

Tommi Vainikainen

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