On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 10:58:43PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > And considering a lot of other people have infinite more
> > understading of Copyright issues, what should we do if we can't
> > find/contact the contributor and/or he/she decides to not relicense
> > it? Is it possible to remove the content and rewrite it free?
> If for some reason we can't find a contributor (or a contributor has
> fallen off the face of the planet) we should indicate as such and
> probably just assume that they meant to give us free reign. If they
> decide not to license it appropriately, then we should rip whatever it
> is out of the webpage and rewrite it.

I proposed in the bug report the following (in addition to what Don

- post to d-a that the license is going to change in X months and that
  contributors are going to be contacted. Provide pointers to anyone feels he
  should be contacted and isn't

- put a News item in the website explaining that the license change will be
  introduced in X months and do the same as with the e-mail

After X months have gone through, the contributor's GPG emails have been
collected, and SPI has been contacted and hold up a meeting clearing the way,
change licence.wml as appropiate, add a *new* News item and e-mail d-a again.

That way we are acting on good faith and nobody would have a reason to claim
that the license change was introduced without they knowing it.

> We probably should also come up with a set of guidelines for
> contributors so that we avoid accidentally ending up with work not
> written by a contributor in the website too. (Or at least, have such
> work be clearly marked.)

Absolutely true. The place for that is
www.debian.org/devel/website/guidelines or something similar. Anyone wants to
start writting it up?



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