Am Mittwoch, den 08.10.2008, 11:29 +0200 schrieb Hans F. Nordhaug:
> * Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-10-08]:
> > Working file: english/MailingLists/debian-announce.wml
> > revision 1.8
> > date: 2008-10-04 10:56:22 +0200;  author: hansfn;  state: Exp;  lines:
> > +1 -1;  commitid: U3dCj1iqvJtlWhlt;
> > Fixing URLs - redirects to
> >
> > 
> >  Please do *NOT* just change such stuff in english. This is nothing that
> > translators should be bothered with. Please use the
> > script that is there for exactly this reason. This is nothing
> > translators would have to review ...
> First of all - my sincere apologizes to all translators wasting time
> on this.

 It were only some few ones, most translators aren't that timely and I
caught it when taking a look at the german outdated pages so the harm
wasn't too big.

>  I had nothing but good intensions (and realised just after
> commiting the change what the side effects were). And thanks to you,
> Gerfried, for making me aware of

 It's a topic that pops up every now and then with new people stumbling
into the web team. Not sure if it's possible to avoid such errors
completely, but if there are suggestions on how to reduce them for
future newcomers.

> Actually, it was you Gerfried that lead me on the "wrong" path in the
> message about the urlcheck, tidy and validate logs:

 Yes, I should have mentioned it in the mail directly - sorry about
that. :/

> I have a suggestion so this doesn't happen again.
> Translator often find errors - HTML validation error, typos and so -
> when doing their work. And some translators are also developers and
> not afraid of fixing (or "fixing") stuff in the English part. On
> it's a link to
> in the first line. Maybe
> add in bold font something like: 
>     Please do just change stuff -- typos, HTML validation errors, dead
>     links and so -- in English. Either ask on debian-www list or read
>     *carefully* the page about working on the web pages.

 Hmm, I would go with "... limited to translations, *especially* when
you think about changing stuff not only in your own language tree but
also in english."

 I now see that <>
doesn't mention at all ...  It's above it in the
Etiquette for editors, but not here. Not sure right now how to improve
the wording in that area, have to think about it. Sugestions of course
are welcome. :)

> Or maybe I'm the only one that has made this mistake.

 No, you are not the only one. frankie did the problem just recently
too, and the issue is popping up on the list every now and then. Maybe
translation coordinators could mentor their newcomers better too, not

 So long, and sorry for jumping yet again.
P.S.: Ccing you because not sure wether you are subscribed, sorry if
it's a double - I only expect from translation coordinators to be
subscribed here

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