On Sat, 2021-08-21 at 13:01 +0200, Holger Wansing wrote:

> <p>You can set usertags for multiple users at bug submission time by
> including multiple User pseudo-headers; each Usertags pseudo-header
> sets the usertags for the last user set before via User pseudo-
> header.

That seems a bit cumbersome to me, and is missing "the" after "via".

How about these alternative options?

... sets the usertags for the user set by the latest User pseudo-header.
... sets the usertags for the user set by the previous User pseudo-header.

The option proposed by Wouter seems reasonable to me too.

I suggest also talking to the debian-l10n-english list about this, they
might be able to help select the most clear, simple and correct option.

The code implementing the feature works like this:

cmds = [("user", from_address)]
for line in message:
    cmds += line.split(": ", 1)
for cmd, value in cmds:
    if cmd is "user":
        user = value
    if cmd is "usertags":
        process_usertags(user, value)



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