retitle 262183 xserver-xfree86: [core server] BusID argument mandatory for PCI 
display adapters on Alpha boxen [regression from 4.2.1]
tag 262183 = help upstream

On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 05:26:20PM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> Hi all,
> From: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Bug#262183: xserver-xfree86: [s3] can't find PCI card on Alpha 
> [regression from 4.2.1]
> Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 15:54:52 -0500
> > Apparently the PCI code for alpha is messed up such that you have to
> > specify the BusID explicitly for the video card.
> > 
> > This parameter is in decimal, not hex (though it doesn't matter if the hex
> > value is less than A).
> > 
> > You can set the BusID by using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86.
> Yes, it worked.  Thanks for all of you!
> Sorry for late reply but a mail server of our univ.  got trouble around
> 28th Mar. and they changed mail system rather drastically so I have
> trouble to get emails recently.
> The problem is not yet cleanly solved but now I can get emails with most
> of my machines (except one machine, perhaps).

Thanks for following up!

Your info does indeed change my diagnosis of the problem.  I doubt this bug
is s3-specific.  I now very much suspect my hypothesis above (busted PCI
bus code on alpha) is the correct one, or at least nearer the mark.

G. Branden Robinson                |         "Religion is nonsense."
Debian GNU/Linux                   |         "It's also a gold mine --
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |         if you know where to dig." |         -- _Shine_

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