On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 11:22:50AM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> What is wrong with making a debian 4.0 package, and put it in experimental (i
> did not say woody, i know you have problems with upgrading unstable). 

If I happen to get such a thing done soon, I may do so.

> Debian 2.2 user are using potato, which comes with 3.3.6-whatever and should
> work ok.

7 release critical bugs, 2 denial-of-service attacks, and a tempfile race
would disagree with you.

Fixes for these have been uploaded to auric's incoming as of a few minutes

> What's the problem here ?
> (apart from you having not a lot of time which is undertandable)

Repeat the above parenthesized words until you fully believe them.

> Also you tell you will be repackaging X from a clean start, care to explain a
> bit what you have planned to do, and how we can help in this process ?

Writing all this up takes time, too.  I've already written one mail along
these lines and my packaging plans per se have not changed drastically.

G. Branden Robinson            |     I am sorry, but what you have mistaken
Debian GNU/Linux               |     for malicious intent is nothing more
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |     than sheer incompetence!
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |     -- J. L. Rizzo II

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