On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 12:05:59PM +0200, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 11:22:50AM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> > What is wrong with making a debian 4.0 package, and put it in experimental 
> > (i
> > did not say woody, i know you have problems with upgrading unstable). 
> > 
> > Debian 2.2 user are using potato, which comes with 3.3.6-whatever and should
> > work ok.
> > 
> > What's the problem here ?
> > 
> > (apart from you having not a lot of time which is undertandable)
> Please review rationale 1). Not having enough time is enough for a reason,
> at least for me. Why don't you just be patient until Branden has finished
> packaging?

You are right, ...

but i think i am not the only one able to work on it, and xfree is such a big
package that branden having no time, is not a thing that will solve itself
overnight. For big packages, other solution must be found.

> Yesterday you said, you don't have enough time to fix amiga-fdisk, now you
> want to help with xfree 4.0? Come on, lets fix important things first before
> you dive into new ones. (amiga-fdisk-bf still does not work with what I
> proposed yesterday...)

Well, yes, but one of the things that is taking me time, is driver
developpment for 4.0, and when just building the 4.0 server and installing it,
it don't work fine, you need all of 4.0 installed for it working. (well at
least the xkb stuff and also the one about colors without which xterm will not
handle colors, and maybe more). 

Also, there is this stuff about the GL libs, there is 3 different sources for
GL libs : utah-GL wich will only run with 3.3.6 and is accelerated, (but it
provides mesa so no problem i cna install it instead of mesa) mesa which is
unaccelerated, and the 4.0 version of mesa (that dpkg is not aware it even
exists. so no way to install any mesa dependant package without forcing the

Anyway, like i said, i am in no hurry for it, just wanted to discuss it, since
this nobody is needing 4.0 stuff, is not exactly true ...



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