On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 11:30:03AM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:

Please, there is no need to CC me list replies; please see the headers of
this message, as well as the one to which you replied.

> > I think it is a feedback loop.
> Please note at least that there are already variety of terminal 
> emulators although there is not yet sensible-x-terminal-emulator.

I am saying that I think sensible-x-terminal-emulator will promote this
feedback loop.

> For example I installed not only kterm, krxvt for Japanese 
> but also hanterm for Hangul to test message catalogue of lynx
> then alternatives automatically select(s) hanterm but this is
> not appropriate for me.
> There could be many, many cases where alternatives is (are?)
> not sufficient, IMHO.

Which is best addressed by expaning the capabilities of existing terminal
emulators to be less anchored to Latin character sets.

I just get the feeling that by taking a program like, say, xterm, and then
customizing it separately for Hangul, Han, and Japanese, there's some
duplication of effort.  I think a better program would result if one
started from the xterm code base and then said, "I'm going to properly
internationalize this program so it can handle all of these character

Is this harder?  Yes.  But the world is getting ever smaller.

I'm not opposed to sensible-x-terminal-emulator as long as everyone
understands what it is: an inelegant workaround made necessary by the
actions of people who'd rather fork xterm than contribute to it.

G. Branden Robinson             |   Optimists believe we live in the best of
Debian GNU/Linux                |   all possible worlds.  Pessimists are
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   afraid the optimists are right.
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