On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 11:16:11AM +0900, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> You might be right.  However, you are too idealistic.  Asian people
> need sensible-x-terminal-emulator NOW.  This need is concrete and
> your 'feedback loop' is only a possibility.  And the possibility 
> can be avoided because the development of software is done by
> human will.  It is not a natural phenomenon.  This is different 
> from possibility to rain or snow.

You're right. My colleague uses kterm+kinput2 in Debian system to send
the email to his Japanese friend, but his mother tongue is Korean and
always use hanterm except he emails his friend. Well, because xterm's
priority is higher than hanterm, xterm is x-terminal-emulator and
hanterm can't be elected. Further, if kterm had a priority and its priority
is higher than hanterm and xterm, he couldn't use hanterm as
x-terminal-emulator. priority mechanism is inadequate in this case.

> Or, how about using KTERM as the default X terminal emulator for
> Debian until the ideal international X terminal emulator will be
> available?  Kterm supports ISO2022-based various character sets
> including ISO8859-{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, JISX0201, JISX0208, GB2312, 
> and KSC5601.  Much better than Xterm.

Hmm. I can't agree. :) Localized terminals have language-specific
environments, for example, hanterm has various Korean encoding such as
KS X 1001 (KS C 5601 previously), KS C 5636 and Unicode support.
Also, keyboard mappings used to input Korean(so-called 2bulsik and 3bulsik)
is supported. Although we are forced to use kterm as the default xterm
in Debian, we *ALL* can't agree that and there will be constant disputes
about that problem.

Consequently, I think, sensible-x-terminal-emulator have to be made and 
x-terminal-emulator had better be removed ASAP. the default xterm
in Debian is sensible-x-terminal-emulator, neither xterm, kterm, nor hanterm.

P. S. : I often think my poor English is an obstable
        to express my opnions. :< If you can't understand me, please
        feel free to point it out.
 Chu-yeon Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                : KoKIDS means KOrean KIDS!
               <http://www.debian.org/~kokids>    : I love Debian!
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