On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 09:26:12AM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 10:49:27PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > You are one of the most hysterically panicky people I have ever met.
> Come on, just asking questions about it ...
> btw, just found out that xf4 mesa is incompatible with potato and current
> woody wine (fix on the way for woody it seems though ...)

4.0 and 4.0.1 are substantially different; it would help if you would
mention which version you are talking about when referring to bugs and

> just mutt too commode 'g' key ...

I can't parse this.  But nevermind, I'll chalk it up to a hasty error.

> Well, but the name suggest that ggi will only run with the mesa+ggi version,
> and not the mesa alone version. so will ggi run with the xfree version
> installed Or will you not be able to run ggi with XF4 installed.
> But then this surely is a ggi issue more than a XF issue.

Probably, but I understand Red Hat is cooking up a wrapper library that
will somehow figure out which of several Mesa (GL) versions is demanded and
LD_PRELOAD the right one for the application.

We can probably adapt such a thing to our own purposes.  Right now I'm just
trying to cross the bridge of preliminary .debs.  I am being held up by an
incredibly aggravating Xsun bug in 3.3.6.

> > Well, I'm sure I'll figure something out, Sven.  Instead of freaking out,
> > either calm down and contribute, or be quiet.
> Huh sorry, ...
> just wanted to tell you about what my experience in the past few month with
> XF4 + debian has shown me, and i thought also that discution about a topic is
> in a way contributing also, or are not that what the debian mailign list are
> all about ?

Often your tone implies to me that you expect me to solve all of these
problems for you.  Debian is a group effort, and a volunteer effort.  I can
only accomplish so much and I have to prioritize the time I do have.
Working for Progeny is greatly increasting the amount of time I can
contribute, but there are still only so many hours in the day.
Furthermore, I'm simply not experienced with the internals of the X source
code.  Especially not driver-level stuff.

> And please, don't take it bad, i just told you that, because i thought of it,
> and i thought that you, the all mighty Xfree maintainer could maybe benefit
> from it ?

See my above remarks about "tone".

> (BTW, XF4 will not run with matroxfb on my work box, so i reverted to 3.3.6)

Again, is this 4.0 or 4.0.1?

G. Branden Robinson             |   You don't just decide to break Kubrick's
Debian GNU/Linux                |   code of silence and then get drawn away
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   from it to a discussion about cough
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |   medicine.

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